Young children are at a pivotal point in their musical development. This makes choosing
activities for your child that much more difficult, given the number of things available to this
age child. In The Cycle of Seasons children will enjoy using all of their senses to discover the
world around them. They will delight in discovering the wonder that nature provides on a
daily basis – the life cycle of a dandelion or a frog; the preparation and hard work of planting
a garden, and the satisfaction when it begins to thrive; the magical way the wind carries a
leaf up and down and around and around until it finally settles down to become part of the
earth once again.
In The Cycle of Seasons the children giggle as they sing and play instruments to Five
Freckled Frogs. Their imaginations are busy as they are called on to think how the tadpole
feels swimming through the water after breaking free from his egg. They “become” the
tadpole as he gracefully moves around the pond. The children then enact the transformation
and they joyfully croak and hop their way across the room. Finally, they settle down into the
listening corner to listen to the recorded sounds of green frogs and bullfrogs, focusing and
refining their listening skills.
In addition to singing, playing instruments, purposeful movement activities, and focused
listening, the children are learning the language of music. In each class the children echo
a series of tonal and rhythm patterns. These patterns are found in the singing repertoire, and
they will be the first patterns the children will learn to read in music notation in the coming
Finally, The Cycle of Seasons acknowledges the fact that your child is excited by their
recently acquired verbal skills! Most young children love to talk, and is it any wonder? They
have just figured out the art of persuasion – just by putting their thoughts into words! The
Cycle of Seasons takes this into consideration and nurtures the child’s language
development through storytelling and poetry.
All children are musical, but their musical aptitude will diminish if it is not nurtured. All
children delight in nature. All children love stories and the rhythm and rhymes of
poetry. These facts alone make The Cycle of Seasons the right choice for your child.
Add to that the fact that all children need to be engaged in purposeful movement to
eventually control their ever changing and growing bodies, and your choice will
become clear.